Marketing strategy services
Manchester-based agency providing in-depth strategy services.
Behind every great business is an outstanding marketing strategy. First and foremost, it gives you the edge over competitors by identifying and setting the goals and objectives you want to reach, from sales and increased revenue to establishing a loyal customer base and attracting new customers. But that’s not really enough for us. We specialise in going one step further to elevate your brand or business further than you thought possible.

How we do it
Strategy is at the heart of all the services Cornerstone provides.
And our account managers (AMs) are the strategic surgeons that keep it beating.
Increasing performance and profit and identifying target customer needs are key elements of a marketing strategy.
Our AMs augment the strategic process using our ‘AID’ technique:
- Analyse and evaluate your business and competitor market.
- Identify ways for your business to diversify and adapt to better penetrate your target market.
- Deliver the mechanisms which ultimately deliver results.
They often draw on all of our disciplines to do this – digital, design and PR – to form a cohesive and responsive approach. They are a seamless integration to your business or, depending on clients’ existing capacity, an extension to your in-house teams.