Bespoke website design and development

Helping to develop a plastic free future

Let’s start with a couple of ‘did you knows’.

  • Plastic straws are used for an average of 20 minutes but can take over 400 years to degrade.
  • Up to seven million coffee cups are thrown away every day in the UK.

Staggering environmental facts which you may already know if you’ve visited the PlasticFreeGM website.

If you haven’t, you possibly didn’t know – but you do now. See, you learn something new every day.

Why are we telling you this? Because we designed and developed the website.

We were also shocked to hear that scientists predict there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 if we don’t change our habits.

There were more than enough incentives to get cracking on this very worthy project.

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Plastic Free GM Header Image

The start of a reusable revolution

PlasticFreeGM is a Greater Manchester Combined authority (GMCA) initiative to target the reduction of single-use plastics across the city-region.

Primarily aimed at businesses, it also works alongside partners to drive awareness among organisations and individuals through various sector specific campaigns such as the #ContactlessCoffee initiative to encourage the use of reusable cups and the ‘Refill revolution’ to reduce water bottle waste.

We were approached to build a new website as a hub for awareness and activity surrounding the PlasticfreeGM.

As a brand-new initiative back in 2018 we were initially tasked with creating a strong visual brand identity to be rolled out throughout all its marketing materials.

The website development was pivotal to the launch and would ultimately be the main driving force for generating awareness to encourage businesses and organisations to get onboard and pledge their support.

We collaborated with GMCA to form the PlasticFreeGM brand visual identity, taking inspiration from Manchester’s stand out food and beverage websites to replicate the look and feel of its target audience.

With client input we developed a UX (user experience) strategy for the bespoke WordPress platform based around user touchpoints including ‘facts’, ‘news’ and ‘success stories’ sections.

A series of four identity options were designed to give GMCA creative insight during the decision-making process ahead of developing the full campaign creative.

With a chosen identity in place, we commenced the build to create a content-managed website which focussed on helping its audiences to reduce, reuse, refill, repeat.

As an ethical, full-service agency built on results, reputation, reliability and relationships we work alongside a number of local authority organisations and industries, we provide NHS marketing, healthcare marketing and marketing for the life science sector to help them achieve their goals and ambitions.

Our integrated offering enables us to offer expertise across a wide range of marketing services including strategy and research, design, digital marketing, public relations, print production and signage.

From an extension to in-house teams to strategic partnerships, we provide flexible and adaptable solutions to support all marcomms activities regionally, nationally and globally.

To find out more about working with us call 0161 213 9941 or email us at [email protected]

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